Monday, November 8, 2010

2304 MHz Transverter - Photos

As I promised, here are some photos of the nearly completed 2304 rig.

 This is the complete rig

 One of the modified RF amplifiers with the cover off.

 The other amplifier.

 Mixer and IF Attenuator

 Bandpass filter

 Unused amplifier module.
Modified MMDS unit.

So these are the pictures of how this thing looks right now.  The amplifiers are not bolted down to the aluminum panel yet.  I have yet to install a T/R switch and I need to come up with some kind of power distribution.  This unit takes +20V, -20V and +12V to make it all work.


  1. It's interesting to see someone building up a 2304 xvtr out of modules. I bought a set of W1GHZ boards but found a complete and assembled Down East unit from the 80s and couldn't pass up the price.

    Very nice series on 2G. Have fun!

  2. Well, I built up the Down East 1296 transverter kit, and built the DB6NT 10 GHz kit. I wanted to try to roll my own on a band I didnt have. 2304 was the logical choice because I have experimented with the CalAmp bricks for satellite S band work, and knew they performed well. The most difficult part of getting a rig running is coming up with an LO, but that was conveniently supplied in the CalAmp module, with just a crystal change.
    I also have a brick oscillator that will work on 5760, and that will probably be my next band.


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